Charisma C

While it does not have much of an effect on human beings, his fellow Oni show him a respect only a monstrous king can garner.
Demonic Nature of Oni A

A Skill that represents the superpower and demonic nature of an Oni. With the exception of oni and those that are Mixed-Blood beings with Oni blood, one is not able to acquire this Skill. It is even a mixed Skill of the Natural Demon Skill, Monstrous Strength Skill, Charisma Skill, Mana Burst Skill, etc., but in Fate/Grand Order, the effects has been adjusted.
Battle Continuation A+

Even at death's door, the servant will continue fighting. This skill is given to Shuten due to his legend, where his decapitated head still attacked Minamoto-no-Raikou.
Gore Drinker A

Never beaten by anyone, Shuten-douji is a master of drinking. The poison fed to him by Minamoto-no-Raikou combined with his being as a servant, making his body heavily acidic. Any matter that enters his body can be compressed into an alcoholic drink (if he so chooses).