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Background Colour

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Basic Description

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Image/Outfit/Ascension 1

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Sections You can put anything you want here. For example, character details, image galleries...


Jan-Feb 2022 Contest Banner

Fujiwara no Hidesato

Touta with the "Tawara" removed. This is an interpretation of Fujiwara no Hidesato's more battle-hungry, calculating side. He is also incredibly impulsive, volunteering himself for any job he can get in order to mark his name down in history.  "Tawara..? Well, I suppose I'm known to eat my fair share, hoho! Though, I'm shocked to see this one-note character is anything but a berserker, you must be a little nutty to attach your identity to something as inconsequential as rice."  "Not everyone has access to rice? I fought in a battle to earn that bag! Tawara sure does like his share of charity work, if it were me in his shoes I'd allow them the privilege of battling me for a bowl, hohoh! ...eh? Classist? What's that supposed to mean?"

Class: Archer
HIDDENFor the Monthly Contest
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

My First Section