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Jan-Feb 2022 Contest Banner

Sir Lamorak [Alter]

Berserker´s true Identity is Sir Lamorak of Wales, Proud Knight of the Round Table, Daughter to King Pellinore and Lover to the Witch Morgan Le Fae… But in this summon she has been brought as an Alter that is nothing more than a shameless Beast who lacks morals that wants to see the entire world burn down.

Class: Berserker
HIDDENFor the Monthly Contest
HIDDENFor the Monthly Contest

Height: 189cmWeight: 57kg
Gender: FemaleRegion: Wales/Fae Britain
Source: Fate Lost StarlightTime Period: Early 6th/???
Attribute: EarthAlignment: Chaotic Evil
AKA: Alterak, Sir Lamorak Alter, LB Sir Lamorak

True Identity

Passive Skills

Personal Skills

Noble Phantasm

Voice Lines (My Room) [1st-2nd Ascension]

Dialogue (Related Servants) [1st-2nd Ascension]

Dialogue (Combat) [1st-2nd Ascension]

Voice Lines (My Room) [3rd-4th Ascension]

Dialogue (Related Servants) [3rd-4th Ascension]

Dialogue (Combat) [3rd-4th Ascension]